o f f e r i n g s
labor + birth support
private childbirth education
a holistic and individually-curated pregnancy and birth plan with referrals and resources
holistic nutrition consulting
birth space curation - including but not limited to floral arrangements, altar building, playlist making, art and lighting designing
ritual building - pre-birth and cord cutting
unlimited emails and texts through pregnancy
on-call support for weeks 38-42
constant doula support from the onset of labor through the early hours of postpardum
p o s t p a r t u m c a r e
postpartum care for the first 6-8 weeks immediately following your birth
n o u r i s h m e n t
individually curated cooking and nutrition support with an emphasis in Ayurvedic warming meals, snacks, tonics, and teas sourced from local farmers markets with seasonality and sustainability in mind
meals that ground the nervous system, increase digestive fire, build blood, nourish tissues, balance hormones, encourage an abundant milk supply, and replenish fluids and nutrients
intended to balance the excess air and space elements of the postpartum system
either cooked in your home or prepared in my home and delivered to you
t r e a t m e n t s
Ayurvedic body oiling -
heating herbal oil to a soothing temperature, it's gently massaged onto the body in a rhythmic strokes
this technique has been show to aid in lymphatic drainage, enhance circulation to tissues and organs, balance hormones, soothe the nervous system, alleviate pain and inflammation, encourage proper elimination, foster rejuvenating sleep, and harmonize emotions
herbal sitz baths -
brief, regular herbal sitz baths enhance blood circulation to the perineal tissues during the initial weeks following childbirth, aiding in their healing process
herbal ingredients alleviate inflammation and reduce discomfort, while the warmth of the tea infusion promotes increased blood flow to expedite tissue recovery